Florida voters overwhelmingly approved the Voter Control of Gambling Amendment in 2018. Now, gambling lobbyists are trying to convince your legislators to break the law, pass the largest gambling expansion in the state, and ignore your right to vote.
We're fighting it.
Stop the Expansion of Gambling. Sign the Petition.
Tallahassee politicians want to pass the largest expansion of gambling in Florida under the guise of a proposed gambling compact. This proposed gambling compact violates the Florida Constitution, Federal Law, and the will of 71% of Florida voters who put The People, not politicians, in control of gambling decisions with the passage of Amendment 3 in 2018.
Florida's leading anti-gambling watchdog
No Casinos was founded by Governor Reuben Askew in the late 1970s to stop a proposal to legalized Las Vegas style casinos in Florida. Since 1978 we have brought together business, community and government leaders from throughout the state and across the political spectrum to stop proposals that would expand gambling. We’ve successfully rallied voters in four amendment campaigns to protect Florida’s long term interests from the gambling industry, and have fought efforts in Tallahassee that would have dramatically expanded gambling. The casino lobby is formidable, but thanks to the support of everyday Floridians, our coalition has proven itself stronger.


1978 - Amendment 9

1986 - Amendment 2

1994 - Amendment 8

The Legislature

2018 - Amendment 3

The Present

A diverse coalition standing up for what’s best for Florida
Large and small business owners. Hotels. Restaurants. Tourist attractions – both large and mom-and-pop. Retailers. Faith Leaders. Law Enforcement Officials. Conservatives. Moderates. Progressives. Community leaders from every region of the state. No Casinos is proud of the strong and diverse coalition that agrees that more gambling is the wrong social and economic policy for our state. Gambling affects every Floridian, and not just those that walk through the front door of a casino.