Stop the Expansion of Gambling. Sign the Petition.
Tallahassee politicians want to pass the largest expansion of gambling in Florida under the guise of a proposed gambling compact. This proposed gambling compact violates the Florida Constitution, Federal Law, and the will of 71% of Florida voters who put The People, not politicians, in control of gambling decisions with the passage of Amendment 3 in 2018.

The Entire Proposed Gambling Compact Relies on a Legal and Practical Illusion
The proposed compact is predicated on accepting something that is fictional, as fact. Because according to the Compact, someone placing a bet on their mobile device, anywhere in Florida, is actually gambling “on Tribal lands” if the computer server happens to be located at a tribal facility.
Proposed Gambling Compact Violates the Florida Constitution
In 2018, 72% of Florida Voters Approved Amendment 3, which says “…Florida voters shall have the exclusive right to decide whether to authorize casino gambling in the State of Florida.” That means new gambling in Florida can only be authorized by a statewide vote of the people. But gambling interests want our elected officials to approve this proposed compact without voter approval. That’s not just wrong, it’s unconstitutional.

Proposed Gambling Compact Violates Federal Law
In addition to violating the Florida Constitution, it violates federal law as well. If it is approved by the Legislature, the State invariably will spend a fortune in taxpayer dollars defending this flawed deal, a legal battle that would be protracted, expensive and ultimately futile.
Proposed Gambling Compact Allows Online Gambling in Florida
The gaming compact sets the stage for statewide online gambling on personal electronic devices, a form of gambling that was opposed even by the late Sheldon Adelson, owner of the Las Vegas Sands Casino. He said that “loosening the reins on online gambling will take a heavy toll on young people, especially because current technology isn’t robust enough to keep children from betting real money using their computers.”

Forcing Casinos into Communities that Don’t Want Them
The gaming compact includes a carefully crafted sweetheart deal designed to allow slot machine permits to move as a way to create big new casinos. This would violate Florida’s constitution which limits slot machines to specific facilities in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties
Gambling Compact Makes Florida an International Gambling Mecca
An international gambling consultant says the compact “positions Florida to be a global gaming mecca that rivals Las Vegas, Monaco and Macau…” A decision that so radically alters the future course of our state belongs — both morally and legally — to the residents of Florida and not the politicians.

POLL: 76% of Floridians Believe Voters Should Have the Final Say on Gambling Decisions
A poll of 800 likely Florida voters taken after the compact was announced showed that 76% of those surveyed believe voters should have the final say over gambling decisions, with only 13% saying such decisions should be left to Florida politicians and the federal government.
Voter Control of Gambling Amendment
Florida voters overwhelmingly approved Amendment 3 in 2018, a measure that specifically gives them — and not politicians — the final say over gambling expansion. Less than two years later, Tallahassee politicians are ignoring voters and pushing to enact an unprecedented expansion of gambling across the entire state.