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May 2, 2014Iowa Problem Gamblers Growing; 1 in 5 Iowans Negatively Affected by Gambling
September 22, 2014It’s time to close the loopholes
It’s time to close the loopholes
(Tallahassee) – The latest round of legal maneuvering by slick pari-mutuel lawyers – resulting in a court approved “summer permit” for a Jai Alai fronton that will be nothing more than a front for poker gambling and perhaps some day slot machines – is another outrageous example of why legislators need to stop talking about expanding gambling and get down to the relatively simple task of closing loophoes in existing laws.
“For too long, too many legislators have held common-sense gambling reform hostage in an effort to foist grandiose plans for gambling expansion on the people of Florida,” said No Casinos President John Sowinski. “You don’t need mega-casinos to close this and other loopholes – and this court opinion make it clear that the ‘gaming commission’ advocated by gambling interests would be powerless to end this abuse. The only way to eliminate these loopholes is with simple, surgical changes in the law.”
No Casinos calls on legislators and those seeking office to prioritize immediate modifications in the law to close loopholes, and to not hold needed reform hostage to gambling expansion.
Read the Miami Herald article on this ruling by clicking the link
below: door-to-gambling.html