Our new video, “Two Bills”, gives a side-by-side look at the House and Senate plans for Florida’s future
March 13, 2017Statement from No Casinos on House and Senate gambling bills
March 30, 2017Florida Voters: Reduce or Hold the Line on Gambling, and We Won’t Support Politicians Who Vote For More Gambling
Orlando, Fla. – A poll released today shows 84% of Florida voters want to reduce or hold the line on gambling, and 60% are less likely to support a candidate for political office that votes to expand gambling.
The poll, conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling and Research, surveyed Florida voters on their opinions about gambling. Among its findings, the poll determined that:
- A combined 84% say Florida should reduce or hold the line on gambling. In contrast, only 8% of Floridians surveyed responded that Florida has too little gambling and leaders should add more, while 8% were not sure.
- This feeling among Floridians carries across all regions of the state: North Florida (87%), Central Florida (92%), Tampa Bay (81%), Southwest Florida (84%), Southeast Florida (78%).
- In terms of gender, 82% of men responded that Florida has enough or too much gambling, while 86% of women responded in a similar manner.
- 60% of respondents said that at election time, they would be less likely to vote for a candidate that supports expanding gambling in Florida. Only 19% responded it would make them more likely to support such as candidate, while 21% said it would have no effect or did not know. The survey showed opposition to pro-gambling candidates held true across all geographic, demographic and political groups.
“Tallahassee politicians need to get the message that only 8% of Florida voters want gambling expanded, and 84% want it left alone or reduced,” said John Sowinski, President of No Casinos. “It’s time to stop listening to gambling lobbyists and listen to the people.”
“A vast majority of Floridians don’t want their elected officials to expand gambling, because they know that more gambling hurts the quality of life for them and their families,” Sowinski continued. “Elected officials should take heed, it is not only good public policy, it is also smart politics to reject expanding gambling in Florida.”
The poll was conducted from February 24 – February 28. It had a sample of 625 registered Florida voters. Margin of error is +/- 4%.
Click here to read the poll memo from Mason-Dixon Polling & Research.