Time to end “gambling expansion by dysfunction”
July 29, 2016More casinos in New Jersey? Fuggedaboudit!
September 27, 2016Candidates who have taken a stand AGAINST the expansion of gambling
No Casinos asked candidates running for the Florida Legislature to sign a pledge opposing the expansion of gambling in our state. The pledge had three parts: First, to oppose any legislation to expand gambling in Florida; Second, to oppose any compact between the State of Florida and the Seminole Tribe of Florida that permits gambling expansion on tribal or non-tribal property; and Third to support legislation to place on the ballot a proposed amendment to Florida’s Constitution that requires statewide voter authorization in order for any form of gambling to be legalized in Florida.
(updated Sep. 29, 2016)
The following candidates eligible for the general election on Nov. 8th agreed to all three parts of the pledge:
Keith Perry, Florida Senate District 8
Dennis Baxley, Florida Senate District 12
Dean Asher, Florida Senate District 13
Amy Tidd, Florida Senate District 17
Bob Buesing, Florida Senate District 18
Darryl Rouson, Florida Senate District 19
Clay Yarborough, Florida House District 12
Bobby Payne, Florida House District 19
Noel Brickford, Florida House District 25
Robert Rightmyer, Florida House District 31
Augustin “Gus” Martinez, Florida House District 48
Jonathan H. Parker, Florida House District 113
The following candidates eligible for the general election on Nov. 8th made their opposition to the expansion of gambling in Florida known as follows:
State Senator Anitere Flores, who currently represents Florida Senate District 37, but due to redistricting is seeking election to Florida Senate District 39, replied with a letter that states, “I have always been and will continue to be a fierce opponent of gambling in our state. During my years in public service, my record shows that I have acted in accordance with these beliefs and values.”
Nancy M. Miller, candidate in Florida Senate District 3 agreed to one part of the pledge: to support legislation that would place the Voter Control of Gambling Amendment on the ballot for Florida voters to decide.
Laurel Bennett, candidate in Florida House District 86, agreed to two parts of the pledge. First, to oppose legislation that allows for existing pari-mutuel gambling facilities to offer slot machine gambling or banked games without that form of gambling being approved by a statewide vote of Floridians. She also pledged to support legislation to place the Voter Control of Gambling Amendment on the ballot for Florida voters to decide.
Rick Roth, candidate in Florida House District 85, agreed to two parts of the pledge: to oppose efforts to expand gambling, and to oppose a compact between the State of Florida and the Seminole Tribe of Florida that permits expanded gambling on tribal or non-tribal property.
Crystal Lucas, candidate in Florida House District 83, agreed to all three parts of the pledge, and specifically underlined “non-tribal property” regarding a compact between the State of Florida and the Seminole Tribe of Florida that would permit gambling expansion on tribal or non-tribal property.
To read the candidate pledge click here.
To read the Voter Control of of Gambling Amendment click here.